Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Artist: Sandy Skoglund

Title: Untitled
No date specified

Sandy Skoglund, an artist from Quincy Massachusetts, has a very unique style of photography. She combines various styles of art with her photography along with brights colors and interesting subject matters. This piece, named Untitled, is one of her more political statements. Automatically the pointing rockets and the army men draw your eye to the center of the photo, however since the model is dressed in the same yellow color as the background, your eye continues to moves around the photo looking at every small detail. The fact that Skoglund hand crafts each piece out of clay amazes me. The time and effort that goes into these photos must be astounding. Though she usually only uses two contradicting brights colors in each of her photos, she is still able to keep the audience engaged with the entire work. In some of her other work, Skoglund uses animals or people each with very different expressions which adds so much character and personality to each piece. As far as the meaning of the photo, I believe it to be a very political statement perhaps on the effects of war or the fear of it on both national stances and personal, individual views. Each work can be interpreted in different ways which gives the viewer the freedom to think whatever they wish. 

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